SC-Py EA Program Online Registration

Thanks for your interest in the SC-Py Early Access (EA) Program. The following page includes details regarding the EA program and an online registration form.

For technical details regarding the SC-Py solution see the docs

Program Scope

  • Start date: June 10th, 2023
  • End date: currently plan is to run this program till August 31, 2024. Any changes to this will be posted to the mailing list
  • Participation cost: Free


Participation is 100% free. Access to the software, documentation and technical support is free for the duration of the program.

Participate by either following along with the mailing list or trying out the software or both.

  1. Stay informed - we maintain a mailing list which we email with periodic updates
  2. Software access - the SC account name is used to authorize access to the software. Upon registration you will receive an email with details on how to add your SC account to the license manager


We'd love to hear from you and your feedback helps us focus our efforts.

General feedback, missing features, missing functions and bug reports are all welcome.


If you are not sure, have questions or get stuck, feel free to email [email protected] anytime and we'll do our best to sort you out.

Registration Form